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Our Services

Hywel May Social Care Consultancy can support social care services using holistic and realistic approaches. Each package can be individually tailored to meet the needs of the business and users of the service.

No two days are the same, and we appreciate that often things can change quickly in a care environment. We are as flexible as possible when it comes to providing you with the best levels of support as we can. Covering all of Wales and authorities of England.

  • We work with individuals. small businesses, corporate companies and local authorities.

  • We can offer short term or one off crisis support.

  • We can also also longer term project support or intermediate cover in the absence of key personnel.

  • 1:1 mentoring for Managers and Directors.

  • We can also offer remote support via email, phone and video conference calling.

  • Supporting businesses in reviews, meetings or multi disciplinary forums.


Below are some more detailed examples of how we can support your service.

Children Running

Children's EBD Services.

With extensive knowledge and understanding of Children's Services in both Wales and England. We can support your service to achieve better outcomes and improve the quality of the provision.

Following CIW, RISCA and Ofsted Statutory Guidance, together we can implement improvement action plans and set SMART targets.


Management Support and Mentoring.

We can offer direct support, supervision and guidance to leaders and managers of your services. This may be to advise following regulatory inspections or to offer guidance and support to new managers who would benefit from an experienced individual for advice and to answer questions.

Using practical experience and knowledge of legislation, we can help you improve the quality of your services.

Bright Idea Bulb

Workshops and Development Days

Staff development is a key part of ensuring the service operates to its full potential. We are able to offer workshops and information sharing days to individuals or groups of teams at all levels. These are designed to expand staff knowledge in specific areas that have been identified by your company. They are not designed to replace mandatory and accredited training, however they can be invaluable to improving quality.

Business Meeting

Quality Assurance

Reviewing and giving oversight of the service from a neutral perspective can provide invaluable feedback to Managers and Directors. We can complete quality reviews, focused visits and Regulation Visits that comply with Government Framework. This can be pre or post inspection, following stakeholder feedback or to improve the outcomes for your service during periods of change or progress.


Risk Assessing and Personal Planning.

We understand the importance of monitoring and reviewing all live documentation that is used to evidence the progression of those that use the service. We can support in the adaption, creation or review of all critical live documentation within the service. Offering advice on changes and inclusion. We can also support with creation of specific templates or documents that you require. 

Image by Jacqueline Munguía

Behavioural Support​

Having experience of Instructing Team Teach and PBM Behavioural Management models to an advanced level. We can provide critical feedback and review of all behaviour plans, incident reports and stages of crisis within your service. Understanding triggers and identifying methods and strategies to avoid and minimise the impact on individuals that may be experiencing crisis and displaying challenging behaviours.

Services: Services
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